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The Summer Court

  • Due to the Unseelie Kingdom being Officially banished from the United States Of America, any Unseelie seen must be apprehended on sight, taken to the Current reigning Ard-Ri and either, Deported, Held for questioning, or Killed. 

  • The Government only officially recognizes two Fae Courts, Summer and Spring, those of the Seelie.

  • Some Unseelie have managed to slip through the cracks, of course. Can’t hold those nasty beasts back! Those that have managed to go unnoticed have begun to create their own mismatched Court system

An explanation of the Summer and Spring Courts.

The Summer and Spring courts are represented by an Ard-Ri who was either Voted in or possibly killed the Prior Ard-Ri. This Ard-Ri is the one who sits upon the throne during the summer time. 

The Summer court bring in the Season of Summer, making sure to maintain it and nurture it.

They trade Crowns with Spring and Fall, though due to Fall being Unseelie, Spring takes over, and in the Winter, Summer resumes its position, though to maintain balance within the seasons, they unofficially allow the Unseelie to take over. Turning the other cheek, and looking the other way.

Roles/Positions Among the Fae Faction:
  • Ard-Ri; The Ard-Ri are the Kings and Queens of the Fae, one is appointed to rule over the whole of their court, They are generally Sidhe. To obtain this position you either need to be appointed by the Elders or Kill the previous Ard-Ri.

  • The Elders; These are the Old Fae, Fae who have been in Power, who have Advised those in power. The strong and wise Fae. They are even above the Ard-Ri in most cases. These positions are appointed by the Citizens of the Fae. Four Elders are picked from each Court, Four from Spring, Four from Summer, and so on. The Ard-Ri must go to them for important decisions that a person cannot make on their own.

  • Glaive; The Glaive is the Second in Command to the Ard-Ri, this position is hand picked by the Ard-Ri. Generally this person is Loyal to a fault. Completely and 100% invested in the Ard-Ri. They are who you go to if you cannot find the Ard-Ri.

  • Fury; The Fury is the Captain of the Courts Guard. These are voted by the people, generally Prowess in combat and excellent skills are required for this position. They have full control of the Guard.

  • Furies Hellions; These are the Courts guards, picked by the Fury. Four Hellions per Court, (As more Fae app in this number will change.) They listen to the Captain at all times, no questions asked. They are mainly there to Protect the Ard-Ri.


  1. An Attack on the Ard-Ri is a capital offence and will likely result in death.

  2. A word spoken by the Ard-Ri is Final.

  3. Maintain Elemental/Seasonal Balance at all times, tipping the scale could cause major malfunctions in the seasons.

  4. Always Bring a Gift when meeting with the Ard-Ri.

  5. Murder of a Fellow Fae is a High Offense, Life of Imprisonment or Slavery is almost garunteed.

  6. Apprehend all Unseelie on sight if possible. They have been Banished from the Counrty, illegal Immigrants will either be imprisoned, Deported, and or Killed. That is up to the Ard-Ri.

  7. Individuals who put the Race/Faction at Risk will be dealt with accordingly.

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